Mental Health Month
May is mental health month. Mental health is so stigmatized, and this month's purpose is to not only raise awareness, but to continue to stop the stigmas. Mental health problems are more common than you might think. Here are some statistics: 1 in 5 adults in America have a mental illness, with 1 in 25 living with a serious mental illness. 18.1% of adults in America have an anxiety disorder, and 6.9% live with major depression. 2.6% live with bipolar disorder and 1.1% - 2.4 million adults in America - live with schizophrenia, the most debilitating mental health disorder. Many people that are either homeless, incarcerated, or living with addictions have mental health problems. 90% of suicides are people who had underlying mental health issues. It is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. 44,193 Americans die by suicide every year. For each suicide, 25 more attempt. That is 121 suicides a day - 50% of these involve firearms. 60% ...