The Last Year ("College Changed You")

Just about a year ago, I was graduating from high school.  In many respects, it feels like much longer ago than one year.  I have grown and learned more than I ever expected or imagined I could grow this year, so those changes make me feel like it's been much longer than one year.

If a year ago, someone would have told me I'd be majoring in Criminal Justice, I probably would have laughed right at them.  However, I felt so called to that I left one college to go study Criminal Justice at another.  I have not regretted this decision for a second.  Sometimes it has scared me, but I have never regretted it.

As I sit here today, surrounded by case files and memoirs of missing children cases, community justice philosophies, probation officer types, and juvenile crime statistics, I realize how much different I am.  At this time last year, I was surrounded by scripts, sheet music, and instruments.  I avoided the news.  I only watched sitcoms, and I was scared of lots of things.  I was afraid to get the piercings and tattoos I wanted, I was scared to meet new people, and I honestly was scared of growing up.  I was scared of leaving what I knew, leaving the places I was comfortable in.

One of the biggest differences in myself this year is in my anxiety.  I finally reached out for help, and I no longer live in a constant state of fear.  I have embraced being me so much more.  I laugh a lot more, and I am genuinely happy much more than I was before.  New things no longer scare me - they excite me!  I look for the good in new situations instead of the absurd hypotheticals.  I've started working out a lot more, too, and that has helped me.  This year certainly has not been perfect, but I have grown more into who I am, and who I am going to be.

I have loved learning all I have this year.  Starting out in this major, I knew absolutely nothing about this field.  Nobody in my family is in this field, nor have I really had any other exposure to it.  So, every class and every trip opens my eyes even more.  I have learned SO much.  We get many amazing opportunities in this program.  The first trip this year was to the Law Enforcement Training Center in Grand Island, NE.  We attended a conference there, where we got to talk to forensic specialists, SWAT team, bomb squad, the K9 unit, corrections department reps, and other agencies in the field.  We have also toured many other facilities.  We went to the State Penn in Lincoln, and got to speak to inmates, walk across the yard, and tour all of the factories.  We also toured the Tecumseh State Correctional Facility, where we spoke with a murderer for 90 minutes (on Valentine's Day!).  We also got to tour the Douglas County Youth Center (DCYC) and the Douglas County Jail.  Both of those tours were quite interesting.  We also visited the Siena Francis House.

Within the next two weeks, I will be touring the Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility, the Open Door Mission, and Project Harmony.  This summer, we get to travel to the Nebraska Correctional Facility for Women in York, the Youth Detention Center for girls in Geneva, the Villisca Murder House, and the federal court.  We'll also be visiting the Parole Board and the Probation Offices this fall.  I've learned so, so much this year, and I am so excited to continue in this program!

Basically, the past year has made me a whole new person.  College did change me.  HOWEVER... that's kind of the point. I didn't go to college to continue being the person I was in high school.  I wanted to learn, I wanted to grow, I wanted to change.  I still have a lot of growing to do, but as I look at the past year of my life, I am proud of the things I have learned and changed about myself.  I am a better person, and I plan on continuing to better myself in the coming years.  I look in the mirror and see someone different than I did.  This is part of growing up.  Please, stop telling people that "College changed you," as if that is a bad thing, when in fact, it is the point of college.  If last year me met who I am right now, I'd probably be surprised, but I'd be happy to see how happy I am.  I have grown into a much stronger, happier person.

So, to all of those who are graduating this year, take chances, make changes, and better yourself.  Take every opportunity to learn and grow.  Do things that scare you (not like illegal things), but make big life decisions.  If Plan A doesn't work, don't let that bother you. Step out of your comfort zone and JUMP into the unknown.  I knew I wasn't where I was supposed to be when I moved to Doane.  That did mean moving back home, but that didn't mean being less independent.  Don't let other people's opinions change your plan.  I'm excited about what I am doing, and I am excited to transfer to UNO a year from now.  I'm focusing on enjoying the journey I am on, and my advice is for everyone to do the same.

Thank you for reading!
