While I’ve written a lot this year, it’s been awhile since I’ve shared any personal reflections or updates. As I am finishing up my school year, I guess now is as good a time as any. This year has been filled with unexpected experiences. It’s hard for me to believe that I stayed in Nebraska and actually mostly enjoyed it. The classes I took this year have, for the most part, been enjoyable, and I actually feel like I have learned and grown quite a bit. I think my favorite class was the social justice and social change class I took last fall. Somehow, even over zoom, I made friends and truly learned a lot. Don’t get me wrong, this year has been challenging. Almost all of my classes have been online or on zoom. It’s hard to meet people and make friends in that environment. Living in Fremont and having to drive into Omaha is also a hassle. On top of personal struggles, this year has been incredibly difficult for many people. Between coronavirus deaths and complications and the ...