Life Update & Gratitute
As my fall quarter is coming to a close, I thought it'd be a good time for me to fill everyone in on what I have been up to in the last few months. I have one day left of my fall classes, and then I get two weeks off. Score! I am so excited to have some time off to spend with family and prepare for Christmas.
This quarter, I have been in no gen-ed classes, which has been amazing. Taking a bit of a break from those was much needed. I took 2 classes with my favorite, Diane. These were Probation/Parole and Courts. So many cool opportunities came through those classes this fall, which I have vlogged and posted about throughout the quarter, including COPS conference, which I do not think I have talked about a ton (see the FBI stuff below). I also started my Chemical Dependency Counseling program with a class this fall, too! I was worried about my grade, but as of today, I officially got an A! I also took 2 online classes, which were good, but as with every online class, I am relieved to be DONE!
Next quarter, I will have a bit of an "adventure" I guess I could say. I will drive to Elkhorn twice a week, and then Fort campus the other two days of the week! I am not excited about how many miles this will put on my poor car, but it is what it is. I will be taking probably my last MCC class with Diane, which breaks my heart a bit. I will also be taking 3 classes for my CDC program, so I am excited to really get going on that this quarter. Then, I will take a science course I have to take, (boo gen-eds).
I'm absolutely loving Metro, if you haven't been following my posts and vlogs. I have gotten to do so many cool things that would NOT have happened to me had I have transferred this year. Being the president of Mu Gamma Gamma is giving me so many cool opportunities, and that will continue on through the rest of the year! I am so excited about it.
The Future!
I am getting older. Every day, I creep closer and closer to that day that I actually have to know what I'm planning on doing for my career. While I keep getting interested in more and more things, here are my CURRENT plans -
I will be done at MCC either this spring or summer (depending on class availability). Then, next fall (2018), I will be transferring to UNO, where I will complete my bachelors' degree. Right now, I'm planning on finishing my Criminal Justice bachelors', minoring in Spanish, and maybe adding on a second minor as well. I will be finished with this by May of 2020, graduating the year I was "supposed" to graduate!
While I am at UNO, I plan on trying a few of these different options of paths, and see what I land. Here are my current plans, for those of you (mainly adults) that ask me. As you can see, it isn't that I don't know what I want to do, but so many of these paths have to fall in just the right way, whatever God has planned for me.
At COPS conference this year, I found out there is an FBI internship for college student. I plan on applying for when it opens next August. It is an extensive process to go through, but if I get it, that would be in the summer of 2019. If that would go well, I could continue that internship throughout my senior year, and possibly get a conditional job offer with the FBI upon my graduation at UNO. This would not be a special agent position, but eventually, I could apply to be a special agent, which would let me train in Quantico, Virginia for the months it takes to become an agent. This is one of the paths I am strongly considering when it comes to my future, but this is contingent on the internship or eventually police work going well for me.
Another one of my plans is in Probation. This would probably mean me going on to get my masters degree. I would intern in my senior year, and hopefully there would be openings for applications. After I work in the state system for awhile, I would consider moving up to the Federal level, if that becomes an option. I also would like to work as a specialized probation officer in the drug/alcohol offenses area, so that would just all depend on job openings as well.
I am also looking into law schools. While I am not sure about this at all, I have been truly considering it lately. This plan would put me into debt at first, which is one of my major hesitations. I am not sure which way I would go with this, but I wouldn't have to right away. If this plan is my route, I would take the LSAT and apply before and during my senior year of UNO.
After this year at metro and 300 hours of practicum, I will be able to get my provisional drug and alcohol counseling license. If I work with this licenses under a LADC for 5,000 hours, I could get my own License. This is one of my options, as well. With this, I might continue with schooling, and go on to get my LMHP (licensed mental health professional) as well!
For now, these are my biggest plans I am considering, but the plus about Criminal Justice is that truly, anything is possible.
Weight Loss
I am excited to say that in just over two weeks, I have lost 20 pounds! This might seem like a lot, but honestly, I am still eating. I am working out every day (with a few off days), at least one time, and I am counting my calories/carbs/fats/proteins. I am not on a specific diet program, but I am paying attention to what is going into my body. I am also working to get myself back into good shape. My motivation really has been the thought of being an FBI agent someday. I need to be in shape to pass their physical tests, if that is something I am truly going to pursue.
ALSO - something huge I learned: The symptoms of hunger and dehydration are very similar. You may think you are hungry, but you really just need some water. I sure wish I would've known that a year ago, as I get dehydrated faster than most people, and I was probably just needing water, not food, all of those times I was eating to feel less dizzy.
I turn 20 on Monday. I feel old and young all the same, but I am just so excited to no longer have my least favorite number (9) in my age anymore. I'm looking forward to time with family and friends this weekend!
Since we are in the season of giving thanks and I am turning 20, I am going to list the first 20 things I can think of that I am grateful for!
1. My family, with an emphasis on my mom. They are supportive of me, which I realize not everyone has the luxury of having, and they also make me laugh so much.
2. Every week, I am losing weight, and being able to run faster and easier. I can feel myself getting into better shape, and I love it.
3. My pets. While I complain about Tigger, I love him, and Grayson is my best friend. I love having them around every day.
4. The HGTAWM winter finale is happening this week, and one of my friends finally caught up to this episode so I finally have someone to talk to about it. (PS Bonnie needs to leave the show guys.)
5. My coworker Candy is so fun to work with. We work together twice a week and she makes me laugh for the whole shift. I'm so grateful to have her to talk to.
6. I get another quarter with DIANE! Yay!
7. My king size bed is so warm, and I cannot wait to add more blankets to it, so on those cold mornings coming up, I can just lay in my big warm bed with my dog.
8. While it doesn't taste 100% like it, my mom showed me this 25 calorie hot chocolate that at least sort-of tastes like the real thing without meaning I need to run an extra 5 miles that day to keep losing weight. (Also, if I keep losing weight like this throughout December, I will go back to the "maintain" place, which I am so excited for. Chocolate and all the food I love again, just keeping up on running? I am THERE.)
9. While last year my birthday was one of my first suicidal ideation episodes, I haven't had one for about 8 months! I am so proud of myself for that.
10. Emma and Drew (Team Hot Property) made it to the final in Dancing with the Stars, which really has nothing to do with me, but I think Emma is such a good dancer, so I'm excited I got to vote for her in the finale again!
11. I spent an hour in Hobby Lobby today buying things for Christmas presents, and there were lots of sales! Score!
12. I finally am making some college friends!
13. Madison Obermiller and I are getting matching tattoos, hopefully this week! :-)
14. While it isn't 100% set in stone or anything, Noah and I might be roommates next year in Omaha, which I am really looking forward to not living (and paying rent) alone. Moving in with my twin would be a nice step out into the world.
15. My little sister is a gymnastics rockstar and keeps improving every meet! She is also in the state meet coming up, and I love going to her meets and tracking her scores.
16. While there are some minor things in my life that could go better, overall, there isn't any big problem right now. Nothing is really stressing me out beyond handling it. Part of that is my growth in dealing with my anxiety, but I'm just happy about it!
17. For the first time since I was probably 6, I actually have plans for my birthday weekend, and I'm actually looking forward to it!
18. Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend is just a week away, so I'm also looking forward to spending time with the Nebraska family (and hopefully Black Friday shopping with Cindy)!
19. My mom actually wears the necklace that I bought for her a few weeks ago, and is still wearing it, which means she must actually like it!
20. I am really looking forward to making and painting my family's gifts on my week off next week.
Well, I am thankful for more, but there are the first 20 off the top of my head!
Remember to stay thankful and grateful through this stressful season!
Thanks for reading,
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