September Updates, Projects, and Announcements

The last few weeks have been awesome!  Choosing to be positive isn’t always easy; some days are really challenging.  Today I’m just going to update everyone on my September.


At the beginning of September, my family spent a day at Worlds of Fun AND we got street tacos for $1.  This was over Labor Day weekend, my last weekend of “summer break” which only lasted 3 weeks for me this year.  I only had a few days off of work in that time, so I really enjoyed spending the day in KC.  

I got my hair permed at the beginning of September as well, and I really like it!  My hair was always curly, but now it is consistently curly.  Plus, I was told not to comb my hair, so I really don’t have to do a lot of work on my hair, which is the real win here!

September is the month for my mom, little sister, and sister’s-mother-in-law’s birthdays!  We did an escape room for my mom’s birthday, and we actually escaped! That was such a fun Saturday, as well.  I also did a set of paintings for my mom, and she likes books about astronauts and space, so we got her one of those, as well.  Brynn got a phone this year which is CRAZY!  She was so surprised, and now she can follow me on Instagram, which is pretty cool.  We didn’t get to see Cindy for her birthday, but I hope it was fun.


Being back in classes has been awesome.  I absolutely love my majors and programs.

For those of you who don’t know, my first major is Criminal Justice.  I love it!  The main professor, Diane, and I get along so well.  I’m also SO EXCITED for this trip that is coming up.  The club/organization for criminal justice program is called Mu Gamma Gamma, and last week, I was chosen to be the president.  5 of us were picked to travel to Garden City, Kansas in a few weeks to compete in the regional conference.  We have lots to study, but I think it is going to be a fun trip!  We also have a few other tours and trips coming up with our classes, too.  

I’ve started classes for my second program this quarter as well, which is Chemical Dependency Counseling.  I’m getting a certificate in this, but I could do a practicum and be able to test for my provisional license, which I am considering adding on, if time allows.  At this point, I might graduate at age 27, though, so we’ll see.  

I am also minoring in Spanish.  I’ve had a few months off again, so I’m going to take the next level Spanish course this winter instead of testing out of it to get some more practice.  

Announcement: Another Major!

I don’t think I have publicly shared this yet because I haven’t officially worked out all of the details, but I am also going to add on a second major in ASL (American Sign Language) Interpretation!  I’m so excited to start this by taking ASL 1 this winter.  I’ve learned some on my own, but I can’t wait to submerge myself in it in a classroom environment to learn faster.  

I’m trying not to add any more majors on.  I might get my CNA done next summer, but I’m going to try to limit myself to these four programs.  I’m interested in too many things!


I GOT TO SEE ED SHEERAN FROM THE FLOOR THIS MONTH!  I was so excited, and I know I could rave on forever about this experience.  He’s already announced new tour dates for next year, as well - and I’m already signed up for presale.  I don’t really have any desire to be in a relationship nor do I really have a “crush” on anyone right now, anyone that is, except for Ed.  Long and embarrassing story about the concert short - Tiffany and I definitely made Ed Sheeran laugh last Tuesday.  That’s right, I made Ed laugh.  And since the way to a man’s heart is through his funny bone, we’ll be getting married any day now! ;D  In all seriousness though, his concert was incredibly well done.  100 out of 10 recommend seeing Ed at some point.
We even snagged this selfie with Ed:


I’m in the process of getting CPR certified through my work right now.  I’ve always just put this off, so I’m excited to get to do it!


I’ve really taken to watching the news (followed by Fallon) every night.  Each day, there are new headlines of destruction. I’m reminded each night to pray for those around us. From Mexico City to Puerto Rico; from the people of North Korea to the people on Capitol Hill.  Honestly, if I could add on another major, or live a different life, I think I’d be a journalist so I could see these things first-hand.  I hope in the future I will be able to have the means to assist these people.  God has them in His hands, but as a servant of the Lord, I will go where He sends me.  I hope this is to places of devastation and destruction to bring His healing.  


I am starting a new art project that I want to share with everyone!  I painted a semicolon a few weeks ago and shared it to my art Instagram account.  Someone offered to buy it!  I am getting better with every painting, and I want to offer this to anyone that wants it.  Eating disorders, sexual assault survivors, suicide prevention, and many other important causes have symbols.  I want to paint your symbols for you on ANY canvas, any background, etc.  I’ll only charge you for the materials for now!  Please, just contact me for more information if you’re interested.

I think those are the biggest updates in my life from the past few weeks.  I’m in reorganizing mode this weekend.  I’ve reorganized my room, and now I reorganized my blog.  Hopefully it is easy to navigate.  Thanks for reading!
