New Year of College: For You Students (Especially Freshman)

Last year about this time, I was starting at a university. 
I moved into a dorm, excitedly anxious about the year and the life to come. 
I spent the last weekend with my family, and moved in on a Sunday. 
I met my roommate and began orientation.  
The first night went as well as expected at a college where I didn't have friends.  

The next day, however? I felt wrong.  SO VERY WRONG.  I didn't want to be at a university.  I didn't want to live in a dorm.  I didn't want to have to drive an hour and a half to see my sister and dog and mom.  I didn't want to shower in a dorm with just a tiny curtain.  I didn't want to study music education.  

It wasn't that I wasn't mature enough to move out.  It wasn't that I wanted to go back to high school (I barely wanted to be there as a freshman).  It wasn't any factor that meant I was weak, immature, or any less than anyone else.  

I just wasn't where I was meant to be.  

Any amount of homesickness is, I'm sure, normal as a freshman.  Being a bit anxious is good, too.  Being in that place of uncertainty will bring you to where you are supposed to be.  

And hey, living a dorm and going to a university and getting that "full college experience" is great if it is what you want to do!  

However, if you feel like you're in the wrong place - guess what?  You don't HAVE to stay there.  

Many of you know about my decision to come home and go to MCC.  Last year at about this time, I was so scared to do that.  I didn't want to move home! (Are you kidding, I was finally 18!)  I didn't want to drop out of a college.  But you know what I didn't want even more than those two things?  I didn't want to be in a place that felt so wrong.  I didn't want to pray, and feel like I was disappointing God with where I was.  And I most certainly did not want to pay for a degree I wasn't sure I wanted to have.  

Just yesterday, I was reminded about another great piece of my decision.  I made a profit of at least $2,000 just by attending a community college for my freshman year. (And I'm going to spend it on a laptop since mine is duct taped together!)

Community college isn't for everyone, and I'm transferring to a university again next fall.  No path is necessarily right or wrong for everyone, but there is a right path for each person. 

So if you're sneaking to the bathroom every 15 minutes to cry, or lying in your dorm bed staring at the ceiling without any good reason not to go home, don't look back.  

It's okay. 

It is acceptable to change your mind.  Everything truly is going to be all right.  Sometimes you have to go in a different direction, and if you have to change your path -  who knows, it might bring some really great perks along the way!  


  1. Glad you shared this, my oldest daughter hated, yes absolutely and completely hated college and dorm life and barely made it thru that first semester, she switched to a community college for spring and summer semesters figuring out her new life's plan and we're super proud of her for making that very tough, very adult decision. It would've been simpler to stay at college the whole first year but it wasn't for her either. You were both at the top of your high school class so I think everyone's expectations and probably your and her own expectations put you there where you didn't belong. Good job Hannah, love reading your blog!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad your daughter was able to find her way as well. I definitely think the expectations (especially of top students) make kids choose places they wouldn't necessarily choose just a few months later. I'm just hoping to help other kids not make those same decisions if they don't want to!


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