My Mental Health Story (So Far)
It’s important to share your story. That sentence has kept popping up on my screens for the past few weeks. Every time I’ve read it, I’ve felt a twinge of guilt. As much as I preach against mental health stigmas, I still haven’t been completely open about my story. I’m going to try to do so tonight. Backstory As many of you know, my father and aunt both died by suicide, about a decade apart. After losing my dad in that way when I was 6, I started having problems. These were problems I never really faced or dealt with. I always pushed things aside and didn’t talk about them. Of course, this was never a good plan. Bottling up emotions only guarantees an eventual blow. I never really knew about mental health or any actual diagnosable things until I was in high school. My freshman year of high school, I had my first panic attack. I didn’t know what that was, and so I didn’t really do anything about it. I starte...