Black Out Tuesday: Say Their Names
For Black Out Tuesday , I have spent the afternoon and evening looking through many cases of Black people dying, primarily at the hands of police. For each case, I tried to find their age at time of death, the location, year, some basic information on the situation (I tried to keep it brief, if interested in more information, feel free to look it up), if an officer was involved, if they were convicted or fired, and if there are video/audio recordings. I have other names of cases I know I missed simply because I could not find all of the information I was looking for to add their names here. I know there are many more cases, this list is by no means every Black person who has unjustly died at the hands of police or other injustices. This is just a start. Say their names. Aiyana Stanley-Jones, 7 Detroit, 2010 Officer Joseph Weekley: active duty Shot and killed during a raid. No video found Alton Sterling, 37 Baton Rouge; 2016 Officers Howie Lake and Blane Salamoni...