
Showing posts from January, 2019

365 Inspirational People, 1-5

Introduction -  In the spirit of the new year, I have decided that I am going to write about 365 people that inspire me throughout 2019.   Since I know I will not be able to remember to post to this blog each and every day, I am going to write them in groups. I also want to include awareness days, history months, and things of that nature.   January – Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Stalking Awareness Month, and National Mentoring Month January 4 – World Braille Day FOR JANUARY 1-5 Blythe Hill – founder of the organization Dressember.   (Human Trafficking Prevention Month)             Blythe personally challenged herself to wear a dress every day in the month of December in 2009.   That idea has blossomed into the Dressember organization, with advocates that pledge to wear a dress or a tie/bow tie every day in December to raise awareness and money for human trafficking.   She first partnered with the I