(Me Too)
If you are going to read this blog post, please read the beginning to understand where I am coming from. Thank you. Tonight, I had a conversation at work with someone I knew in high school, who talked to me a bit about her anxiety. She said she had just started to get treatment for it when she found out that her roommate was moving home due to her anxiety issues. The next thing she said really stuck with me. She said (rough quote), "Maybe if we'd just talked to each other, and been open about our problems, we would have been able to help each other." Big observation, right? We are so quick to hide our problems and our pain. Maybe if we were all more open with each other, we could help each other. I've been pretty open with my mental health. And the stigma around mental health is pretty big. However, the stigma around sexual assault is even bigger. As a society, we blame victims. We say "why didn't you say no?" or "why didn't yo...